Very often, in our role as parents, we fail to pay attention to the little things. In our quest to choose the best education, the best kindergarten and the best social environment for our child, as if we forget to “read between the lines”. For example, we just found a great private preschool where our child will be well prepared for first grade – sounds great doesn’t it? So far, everything looks good academically, and the teachers are quite experienced.
But how many of you look behind the “curtains” – relies on the individual approach, does it matter in what area the child has skills and so on. This, and many other things, such as the small society of which the child will become a part, is vital for his good preparation for school and for what awaits him there. Trust education preschool Sofia ABC Kinder Care Centre and treat this important stage for every child responsibly – pre-school preparation!
Why private kindergarten is so preferred by parents

Change often occurs slowly. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort for it to manifest, and sometimes it comes suddenly and we don’t have to do anything – just luck or a wish of fate, you never know. In any case we must have one thing in mind – the more diligent we are in pursuing the goal, the more real results we will see.
Same goes for choosing a private kindergarten for our child – if we want to open a reputable and reputable kindergarten, there are no obstacles not to do so, especially if we have clear criteria and stick to them. All parents without exception want the best for their little treasure, which motivates them to find a kindergarten with high popularity and not only. In this train of thoughts, the private one turns out to be a great solution which brings with it a number of dividends such as:
- Academic training at a very high level;
- A team of experienced, qualified and dedicated teachers who will take care of your child in the best possible way;
- Diverse educational program that allows each child to give the best of themselves, to show what they are capable of in terms of learning lessons and practical activities as well;
- A modern training base that fully meets European standards and technological innovations in the 21st century;
- Individual approach to each child and promoting the qualities and skills of each member of ABC Kinder Care Centre;
- A variety of activities that excite children in an intriguing and exciting way;
- Real long-term results, with which the kindergarten team guarantees and with which it is committed in the long run;
- Remarkable successes for each child;
- A positive and friendly environment in which every young child will feel calm and secure.
If you are looking for similar conditions for your child, in education preschool Sofia ABC Kinder Care Centre you are going to find them, while the monthly fees will also be profitable and consistent with the level of services offered. Apply now and give your child opportunities to grow smart, happy and give your child opportunities to grow smart, happy and confident. Very important!
Why ABC Kinder Care Centre is the best education preschool in Sofia for you to choose

Many of you will wonder why it is better to choose private education over public education. Well, the answer is clear – in the first option, the individual approach is present, which is a great opportunity for the child’s development. Additional, here we can talk about much greater academic achievements, which definitely cost the investment. The state kindergarten is not always the best choice because here the mass is in focus and not the special attitude towards each child. And it is really very important… Trust ABC Kinder Care Centre and choose the best – this is the best!