Family Advice


Wedding, afterwork… is the knot suitable for all occasions? For several years, the bow tie has become popularized. Originally worn exclusively with a tuxedo, the bow tie has long been the preserve of major events. Like the tie, the bow tie does not escape its modernization, acclimating to the wardrobe of modern man. Far from […]

Home Improvment

What if the cleaning is not professional

Whatever we say regarding the home cleaning, we just can’t hide that this type of home procedure is boring, time-consuming and ineffective in many cases. Unfortunately, we must clean our home at least once a week so that to be surrounded by freshness, coziness and flawless hygiene. The truth is that we have no time […]

Family Advice Home Improvment

Home cleaning never ends – unless you call Vip Cleaning London

Weekend cleaning – what a boring job! This type of home homework, hobby, name it whatever you want, is time-consuming, stressing and even harmful to our health… Still, we must deal with the cleaning of our home in order to provide our family with fresh and beautiful atmosphere! Many of people prefer bet on in […]

Guest Posts

Let’s start clean with a professional cleaning company in 2020!

On Friday, we start planning how to spend the weekend. We make plans about the next two days, and more specially – we are preparing for relaxation and fun. – Eventually… But at some point, we realize that it is too optimistic to think that on Saturday and Sunday we will be able only to […]

Guest Posts

End your contract in a correct way and book professional end of tenancy cleaning

Sometimes, we are forced to clean more than usual. For example, at the end of the season or when we are moving out… Detailed cleaning is a part of our daily round and even if we are too busy to deal with something like that, we have to. Nobody wants to live in a dirty […]